When I came across an article in Coping magazine titled:…
shouldn’t i be putting away the dishes
This morning I was thinking again about a Facebook friend’s post. About how it’s the full moon today and about how I’ve too long left creative spirituality last on my list (so, you know, it doesn’t get done). Thanks to that post, I wrote a poem (don’t know if it’s a ‘good’ poem, don’t care because poetry doesn’t have to be ‘good’ to be shared if that makes any sense). Now I’m gonna spend much of my usable energy today on my creative journaling.
Tonight I’ll be writing down a thing or thought or two and burning them in my burning vessel. It’s a lovely old brass dish my husband ounce discovered while digging in our hard. He promptly brought to me in excitement because he knew I’d be over-the-moon about it.
You see, if you’re not familiar with marking the moons, Full Moons are most excellent spaces for releasing what needs to be let go on, what needs to go ahead and get a move on.
If you want to join in tonight, you don’t need anything fancy:
- a little scrap of paper to write on
- a moment of quiet to gather in your heart and intentions
- another moment to write down that which it is time to send on its way
- a safe space to burn that little scrap of paper.
You can use your stovetop (IF it’s truly a small scrap of paper. Either turn on the overhead fan or open windows so you don’t set off your fire alarms). If you smoke, your astray will work well here (especially if you’re intention tonight is to either smoke less or stop altogether).
If you choose to state what you’re releasing while it burns, that’s cool, but you don’t have to.
I do prefer to say “Thank you” when the fire is done.
Gratitude is powerful magic.
That’s it from me today.
I hope you’re share with me what you’re up to this weekend.
Much love,
Oh, and here’s this morning’s poem if you’re into that kind of thing:
a poem about responsibilities, healing, and magic
Shouldn’t I be putting away the clean dishes
or lugging up the load of clothes done in the dryer
Shouldn’t I be baking nourishing blueberry squares
or sorting through the piles covering the dining room table
Shouldn’t I be listing stickers in my Esty shop to sell
or working on a Medium post to earn those pennies and dimes
but i keep thinking of a post i read yesterday
a Facebook friend, also living with ME/CFS
also dealing with flare-after-flair-after-flare
sharing about the power of creative expression
to help our systems rest, recover, sometimes,
and today is the full moon, an observance i’ve let
lapse like my better spiritual judgement
and i’ve been stuck, not opening my journals
waiting never brings about much-needed magic
today is for printing/cutting/pasting/writing/burning
it all down again, releasing it all up to the
moon i won’t see through the rain
but, as always, magic isn’t in the
seeing, but in the being
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